Number of files (originally 13,631) now 14,100 files.

Difference (originally 2,810) now 14 files.

The reason it does not sum up is because some files have both a free and a non-free template and other files do not have a license and some have a license that does not categorize the file in one of the 2 categories above.

I originally made a post at వికీపీడియా:రచ్చబండ/పాత_చర్చ_85#Cleaning_up_files_and_moving_to_Commons (6 February 2021) then a follow up at వికీపీడియా:రచ్చబండ/పాత_చర్చ_87#Cleaning_up_files_-_update (15 January 2023) and వికీపీడియా:రచ్చబండ/పాత_చర్చ_87#Moving_files_to_Commons_-_help_needed (26 March 2023‎).


Wikis and status (31 July 2022) (link in bold = this wiki)

(See fa:User:MGA73/Status for how to format to 123... ltr instead of local numbers and rtl)

To find

Prepared for Commons


All files in Category:Unidentified subjects in India (834 files) should be ready to move to Commons.

Sorted by user (see వర్గం:Wikipedia files):

  1. ప్రత్యేక:ఫైళ్లజాబితా/JVRKPRASAD Originally 173 files - see Category:Files uploaded by JVRKPRASAD (37 files) and c:Category:Files uploaded by JVRKPRASAD
  2. ప్రత్యేక:ఫైళ్లజాబితా/Mpradeep Originally 1027 files - see Category:Files uploaded by Mpradeep (0 files) and c:Category:Files uploaded by Mpradeep
    See వాడుకరి:MGA73/File renaming for files that needs to be renamed.
  3. ప్రత్యేక:ఫైళ్లజాబితా/వైజాసత్య Originally 362 files - see Category:Files uploaded by వైజాసత్య (0 files) and c:Category:Files uploaded by వైజాసత్య - not all prepared yet (maps first)
  4. ప్రత్యేక:ఫైళ్లజాబితా/Chavakiran Originally 160 files - see Category:Files uploaded by Chavakiran (136 files) and c:Category:Files uploaded by Chavakiran - not all prepared yet (some statues first)
  5. ప్రత్యేక:ఫైళ్లజాబితా/Bhaskaranaidu Originally 875 files - see Category:Files uploaded by Bhaskaranaidu (215 files) and c:Category:Files uploaded by Bhaskaranaidu - some was also uploaded to Commons by user
  6. ప్రత్యేక:ఫైళ్లజాబితా/కాసుబాబు Originally 640 files - see Category:Files uploaded by కాసుబాబు (0 files) and c:Category:Files uploaded by కాసుబాబు
  7. ప్రత్యేక:ఫైళ్లజాబితా/Dev Originally 169 files - see Category:Files uploaded by Dev (139 files) and c:Category:Files uploaded by Dev
  8. ప్రత్యేక:ఫైళ్లజాబితా/T.sujatha Originally 151 files - see Category:Files uploaded by T.sujatha (88 files) and c:Category:Files uploaded by T.sujatha (many are allready uploaded to Commons by user)

Started with maps. See వాడుకరి చర్చ:MGA73/File renaming for further info (about 1,000 maps).

Possibly problematic files


Some lists with problematic files:

  1. Special:UncategorizedFiles does probably not have a license (originally 755 files)
  2. Special:UnusedFiles are not used and if non-free they should be deleted (originally 1,764 files)

Files with no license. See వాడుకరి:MGA73/NoLicense (originally 987 files)

Non-free files not in use in articles. See వాడుకరి:MGA73/OrphanNon-free (originally 369 files)

వర్గం:GFDL files 1,807 files (per 12/6 2022: 3,707 total + 16 with disclaimers).

వర్గం:Wikipedia license migration candidates 0 files (per 12/6 2022: 2,150 total). (Click to see who uploaded)

Below are top uploaders (if active they should be asked if they would add cc-by-sa-3.0 og 4.0):

  1. User:కాసుబాబు -> 398
  2. User:B.K.Viswanadh -> 292 ---> See this permission to relicense
  3. User:Bhaskaranaidu -> 213
  4. User:Dev -> 151
  5. User:T.sujatha -> 137
  6. User:Vu3ktb -> 130
  7. User:C.Chandra Kanth Rao -> 122
  8. User:Chavakiran -> 81
  9. User:S172142230149 -> 78
  10. User:Seshagirirao -> 48
  11. User:వైజాసత్య -> 39
  12. User:Rajachandra~tewiki -> 38
  13. User:Ramireddy -> 34
  14. User:స్వరలాసిక -> 33
  15. User:Palagiri -> 24
  16. User:డా.పి.మురళీ కృష్ణ -> 21
  17. User:రవిచంద్ర -> 19
  18. User:PAPA RAO KVSKS -> 17
  19. User:Malyadri -> 17
  20. User:Geddambabu -> 17
  21. User:Ahmed Nisar -> 13
  22. User:శ్రీరామమూర్తి -> 12
  23. User:K.Venkataramana -> 11
  24. User:Mpradeep -> 10
  25. User:Jsatyaprasad -> 10

On వాడుకరి:MGA73/Sandbox there is a gallery of files most likely on Commons. They could be tagged with a {{NowCommons}} and info on Commons could be checked.

Files from Flikr వర్గం:Files from Flickr 8 (originally 32 files) (after I tagged some with NowCommons).